A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty

Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 20 ~ Spring ~

Ryan and I went for a quick walk in Niagara on the lake today while we had our morning coffee. It was a gorgeous sunny day out and this town has such a great vibe.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 18 ~ L.O.V.E ~

Love is simple and beautiful just like this chapel in Niagara-on-the-Lake.

Congratulations to two of my best friends Barry & Steph who are getting married in Cuba on May 5th!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 17 ~ Clothesline ~

I was creeping on someones lawn out in the country near the vineyards in Niagara-on-the-Lake to get this shot.....there's no underwear on the line so its not that inappropriate right? lol

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 16 ~ Dandelion Heaven ~

It's hard to really notice in this pic because of the shadows but the grass is covered with dandelions. I love dandelions I think they're beautiful. I was trying to get a good lower shot of them but it didn't turn out great so instead I just got yellow dandelion all over my pants:(

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 14 ~ Nightfalls ~

This is not the best pic but I was cold and it was rainy so....oh well. The falls is such an easy place to go snap a photo but I'm definately going to have to start getting more creative since I'm only on my 14th day and I have many many more to go. I will probably take a ton of photos of the falls and hopefully by the end of the year I will have one fantabulous one!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 13 ~ Ferris Wheel ~

Went out tonight as tourists again...its like a mini vacation just a few blocks away:) We didn't ride the ferris wheel because I'm too cheap. But one of these days I'm going to go on during the day and hopefully get a cool view of the falls. I picked up a new tripod tonight to get the cool blurring effect.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 12 ~ Witches Hour ~

Since I'm on a night schedule right now Ryan and I went out just before midnight to get this picture. There is this garden area right near the falls that is incredibly spooky at night. I had some technical difficulties with my tripod as the one leg fell off so the pic isn't as clear as I'd hoped.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 11 ~ Spring time at the Falls ~

Going to the falls never gets old to me, it blows me away everytime. All the spring flowers are blooming and it looks so beautiful!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 10 ~ Flower ~

Here is a quick snap of a pic that I just took, off to work. Thanks for checking out my blog....I'm guessing its probably only Steph...lol.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 9 ~ Starbucks with my Honey ~

One of my favourite things to do with my honey is to go to Starbucks and chat, so this is my photo for Monday:)

Day 8 ~ Chinatown Market ~

I was in Toronto for the weekend for my friends bachelorette party. I found a few moments outside of partying to take this pic of Chinatown's busy street market taken on Saturday.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 7 ~ White Water Walk ~

We went to one of the attractions here in Niagara Falls today called White Water Walk. You take an elevator down underground and go through a tunnel that takes you to the whirlpool rapids. The rocks have been made into gum art, kinda nasty but artsy as well:)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 6 ~ Pink Tree ~

This pink tree just bloomed last week, I wish it was ours but its our neighbours. Off to work again, taking a pic a day is harder than I imagined.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 5 ~ Botanical Gardens ~

Me and my hubby went to the Botanical Garden today after work. It is a gorgeous sunny day so perfect for a walk around the gardens. Unfortunately most of the flowers have not yet bloomed but I got a few shots anyways.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 4 ~ Home ~

This is my home! I didn't have much time before work so I took this pic while watching dancing with the stars which is on the tv in the background...lol.

Day 3 ~ Bridal Shower ~

On Sunday it was one of my best friends wedding shower, it was tropical themed. The pics aren't very good because they are blurry. Steph I hope you aren't going to kill me for the gorgeous pic of you in your ribbon getup. I better improve my picture taking skills for the wedding in Cuba!

Day 2 ~ Baby Standing...kind of ~

My friend was watching her cousins baby....so cute! This is a quick snap of her standing on her own.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 1 ~ Yellow Lily ~

So here is the first picture of my project a beautiful yellow lily. Although I have no idea who I am writing to right now I am going to attempt to blog. I am new to this and actually feel quite ridiculous. So I looked up the meaning of a yellow lily and it isn't as beautiful as I'd hoped, the meaning is: walking on air, false and gay. The latter meaning actually fits quite well to how I feel right now. So despite these feelings I am going to continue with this project:)