A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 47 ~ Birthday Flowers ~

Day 46 ~ Saturday @ the Beach ~

Day 45 ~ Monkeying Around ~

We spent the weekend with our niece and nephews this weekend. This pic was taken on Friday afternoon of our nephew.

Day 44 ~ Parliament Flower ~

This image was taken on Thursday in Ottawa behind the Parliament building. It was a cloudy day so I didn't get any nice shots of the parliament buildings.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 43 ~ Manual Focus ~

As I said before I'm learning about manual focus this week and its the best thing I've learned so far. I basically didn't even know how to use my camera and lenses until now its amazing how little I knew. I still need a lot more practice but over time it should get easier.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 42 ~ Sprinkler ~

I went to one of my favourite places today the Botanical Garden. It was full with families and children running around. A little girl playing in the sprinkler ran into the frame of the top picture which I think made the picture a little more interesting.

Day 41 ~ Rainbow Falls ~

All of the tourists have flocked into town it is crazy busy this weekend. I got these images on Saturday, I love the shot of the bird flying by with the rainbow in the background! My assignment this week for my photography course is manually focusing my camera which I think I did okay because the images don't look blurry to me at least.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 40 ~ Niagara River Recreational Trail ~

I went out today and planned on going on a little photog hike along a trail nearby called the Niagara River Recreation Trail. I didn't get very far though because I felt uncomfortable going into a wooden area alone even during the day. Its unfortunate that there are crazy people out there that have put fear into us like this. I will bring Ryan next time so hopefully I can get some better images.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 39 ~ Momma and her Chicks ~

I took a drive out to Fort Erie today and took the scenic route along Fallsview Blvd and it was beautiful. I came across these cute little chicks with their momma. I chased them all down the shore line trying to get the best shot.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 38 ~ Birthday Bowling ~

We celebrated Ryan's birthday late last night. Went out for dinner and then went bowling, unfortunately I beat the birthday boy. I have to gloat because he always beats me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 37 ~ Leading Lines ~

I'm trying to learn right now how to better compose my pictures. So here is my try at leading lines. I don't know if I did it correct but here it is anyways. I'm really enjoying my photography course that started Saturday. One instructor is from Saskatchewan and the other is from London England. The other students are from all over as well, so its interesting getting a glimpse into the other peoples lives and also learning from their photos.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 36 ~ Beautifying the Botanical ~

This is a pic of a Parks worker in the Botanical Garden nearby hard at work in the gardens.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 34 ~ Photo Class Begins ~

Today is the first day of my online photography course. This week I have to take up to 8 photos to send in to the teacher for evaluation. I've never had someone critique my photographs so I'm a little nervous but it should be good to get some professional feedback to help me improve my shots. This morning there were gorgeous fluffy white clouds, I'm glad I got out early because now the sky is overcast. The other two pics were taken downtown in a bit of a grungy area with lots of graffiti and beautifully dirty streets.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 33 ~ Train Travel ~

Traveling by train is always an adventure. The sounds, the people and the small glimpse of people's lives out the window. I've had a few great moments on trains one of them was an over nighter train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, Thailand. I decided that I wanted to be really cheap and save money so I booked one sleeper bunk for Ryan and one economy ticket for me. So Ryan went to his sleeper and I went to my wooden seat. He was nice and comfortable in his air conditioned sleeper and my train was packed full of thai locals all staring at me like I was the first foreigner that was stupid enough to buy the $2 non airconditioned ticket instead of paying like $5 more for the sleeper. I ended up sneaking into Ryan's bunker in the end and had a pefect train rocked sleep.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 30 ~ Poncho Perfect ~

I drove around the tourist area again to try to get a pic for today and came across these awesome japanese toursits all in their raingear getup. I followed them all around trying to get the best shot... they must have thought I was a crazy woman. I didn't get the pic that I really wanted because they turned out blurry since it was dusk and my tripod was at home. Oh well it was fun anyways chasing tourists in the rain.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 29 ~ Grow your own way ~

Day 28 ~ Peaceful ~

Day 27 ~ Palm ~

Day 26 ~ Ocean Blues ~

No photoshop was needed for this picture. This is the actual colour of the sky and ocean... it doesn't get more beautiful than this. I was able to capture the locals out on the beach selling souvenirs from their bike stall.

Day 25 ~ Bridesmaid Train ~

The wedding day!!! A picture perfect photo op of the bridesmaids helping each other do up their dresses. The wedding day was so beautiful, and the bride more gorgeous than ever. I may post a pic later of the bride if she approves:)

Day 24 ~ Capturing the Sunset ~

Cuba has some of the most gorgeous beaches in the world. The sunsets are absolutely breathtaking. I never bore of the ocean its one of my favourite places to be, its so calming and nourishing to the soul.

Day 23 ~ Reflections ~

Outside of our rooms was this beautiful area with a bridge and gazebo. There were lots of weddings at this resort and this was one of the spots for them. Although the sun has whited out the sky I still love the reflections in the water.

Day 22 ~ Busin' it ~

We arrived to Varadero, Cuba on Sunday morning and took a bus to the resort where we stayed for the week with all of our best friends. It was a great week....I miss everyone already:(

Day 21 ~ Grub ~

It has been a busy week so I am going to attempt to upload all my pics for the week. This pic was taken at Steph's place the Saturday before we left for Cuba. It was a lazy quick snap just to get a picture in for the day.