A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 113 ~ Camping in Cavendish, PEI ~

Our final trip out east was Cavendish, PEI. We went camping, relaxed by the beach and ate lots of delicious Cow's ice cream (famous in PEI).

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 109 ~ Pettipas Market ~

My online photography teacher told me to check out this market to see this really eccentric owner of this seafood market/gift shop/restaurant. He has a thick Acadian accent and is loud and eccentric. As soon as we arrived he brought us to the back of the restaurant and went outside and shot off little fireworks for us. Ryan had their famous clam chowder and I bought a magnet because everything in the store was all crappy little souvenirs that looked like they had been there for 20yrs. When we went to leave he had us donate to the Terry Fox foundation...he was very convincing...lol and he set off another firecracker for us. It was quite the experience, you can see him on Youtube of other people's experiences.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 108 ~ Our Cabot Trail Experience ~

We traveled Cape Breton for the last couple of days and drove the famous Cabot Trail. The views we're absolutely breathtaking! We hiked the Skyline Trail which brought us to this amazing viewpoint (picture below) overlooking the trail and ocean.

Along the trail we came across
this massive moose that was
crossing the trail. It was walking
away so the best pic I got was
of its bum...lol. But to see it so
upclose was amazing. It didn't
seem to mind us right there it
just continued along eating.
After our hike we drove to
Pleasant Bay and ate at this
small little Celctic restaurant
and had our lobster dinner.
Well, I had a few bites and
Ryan had two lobster dinners.
I am officially not a fan of seafood.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 107 ~ Arcade ~

Went to go see the movie Eat, Pray, Love on Friday in Moncton. I read the book and found it very inspiring, the movie just okay. There was this cool arcade arm wrestling game that Ry played.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 106 ~ Karen-van Troubles ~

The van had to go to the shop today. We've been stranded here a couple times with it dying on us. Hopefully it will make it home for us...which is very soon. With a new battery in we should be good to go. Off to Cape Breton in a few days so hopefully it doesn't break down :

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 104 ~ Walkin' on the Ocean Floor ~

Tidnish, Nova Scotia ~ on the Bay of Fundy

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 97 ~ Good Morning Deer ~

I woke up for work early Tuesday morning and saw this deer outside my window.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 96 ~ Lobster Shack ~

Today after work I decided to drive to NewBrunswick to get gas since its so much cheaper and its just one stop off the highway. This cute little lobster shack was on the side of the road reminding me that I am definately in the Maritimes....they LOVE their lobster. I'm not a seafood person but soon I plan to have a good east coast lobster dinner!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 95 ~ Roadside ~

So I have been lazy lately with taking a picture everyday. I'm finding it harder here to do when I'm working but I definately make up for it on my days off usually and take a ton of pics. This has been an exhausting week so I officially fail big time this week at this project:(