A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 33 ~ Train Travel ~

Traveling by train is always an adventure. The sounds, the people and the small glimpse of people's lives out the window. I've had a few great moments on trains one of them was an over nighter train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, Thailand. I decided that I wanted to be really cheap and save money so I booked one sleeper bunk for Ryan and one economy ticket for me. So Ryan went to his sleeper and I went to my wooden seat. He was nice and comfortable in his air conditioned sleeper and my train was packed full of thai locals all staring at me like I was the first foreigner that was stupid enough to buy the $2 non airconditioned ticket instead of paying like $5 more for the sleeper. I ended up sneaking into Ryan's bunker in the end and had a pefect train rocked sleep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This picture is awesome but I mostly love the story!!! lol

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