A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 231 ~ Kimuka Giraffe ~

My african pictures are coming to an end. This last image is of a giraffe eating from the bushes right near where I stayed in Kimuka. I think about Kenya everyday, the impact it has had on my life will be with me forever and I am so lucky to have met so many wonderful people. I hope you have enjoyed my african safari photos as much as I did taking them. I hope to continue taking pictures and adding to this blog. Life is busy for me and I find it difficult to take an image everyday but I will try to do my best to finish my 365 challenge. Even though I have technically failed at this project it has still been positive for me and has broadening my skills as a hobbyist photographer:)

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