A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 82 ~ Roadtrip Day #2 ~

The second day of our roadtrip we stopped in Boston for just an hour and walked around to see some sights. The city is actually really pretty with beautiful parks but unfortunately it was raining. I did get a couple of pics but I liked the ones from our second stop in Maine better so I decided to post those.
Our second stop on Wednesday was Portland, Maine. We had lunch on a deck overlooking the port in old downtown maine. Then we drove to one of the most photographed lighthouse called Portland Head Light. It had been raining all day and I was upset because I really wanted to get a nice picture of the lighthouse. Luckily as soon as we arrived to the light house the rain stopped, the clouds opened and the sunshine came out....it turned out to be a beautiful day and I think I got a pretty good pic too!!

We continued on driving from there and arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick late that night and got a hotel room for the night to get some much needed rest:)

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