A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. ~Eudora Welty

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 174 ~ Maasai Land ~

I got my luggage thankfully on Monday and made it to Maasai Land safely and met my host family. Life here is so different yet the longer I am here I realize how the same it is as well... its incredible. I live in a tin house with no electricity or running water. The kitchen is separate from the house, a mud hut where they cook from a fire. The bathroom is also a separate tin building outside that has a small hole, and I shower from a bucket of cold water.

They have cattle that are taken out everyday by the man of the house that herds them all day long and returns in the evening. Hens and chickens run around the property all day long and we drink the milk from the cattle and eat the eggs from the hens.

I have been working at a small clinic outside of Kimuka that is run by 2 nurses. The nurses here do the diagnosing of patients and treatments. Everyday the nurse comes to pick me up on his motorbike to take me to and from the clinic. I have worked with a lot of children so far, one day we went out to another village to weigh and check the height of the children to make sure they are staying healthy and then we distributed maize with vitamins to help keep them healthy.

We are planning an HIV/AIDS awareness day in a couple of weeks where we will have guest speakers that live with HIV and AIDS to speak to the people and we are encouraging them to get tested. We are hoping to have food and maybe even slaughter a goat for the occasion.

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